Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Reflections: Journal Post 1

Hello all and welcome to my first ever blog of the semester!

This semester's blog was brought to you by the requirements of my Histology class.

This week, I would like to take some time to reflect on the first week of this class and my fourth year of college. When I first walked into the class, I was glad to see some familiar faces. I already had Dr. V once before as a professor so I am excited and semi-prepared for what the semester has in store.

Now I'll admit, I am a pessimist. I usually see a work load immediately feel the pressure pushing down on me. But for some reason, this semester has felt less like that. Some might cringe at the idea of taking 3 upper division science classes at once but I am actually excited to try my best and do well. I walked into school this semester with determination and I will not let myself down. I plan on taking this class and all my others by their metaphorical horns and doing my best to do well.

As a future medical professional, I appreciate what is being taught. Histology has always been a subject of interest for me. Tissues are such an important part of the body just as this class is a necessity in my career. And similar to the process of studying tissues, this journey will not be easy.

I feel that by the end of the semester, I will see my career in a new light and will begin to understand the depth of my goals.

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